"They are thinking of making a remake of Misfits ;("

"@dystopiafilm: Thanks! I am still wondering who Good Guy Greg is ;)"

"My favorite 9gag post: http://9gag.com/gag/2004808 I couldn't stop thinking of it when scrolling down your list :) LOVE!"

"@Myriam: I understand... kind of ;) Yes, I'm a woman, but I find these jokes funny & I make them too. @m08221196: Why?"

"Thank you GreenTissueBox!!!! Will add :) And Frank please read my previous comments :)"

"I absolutely agree about Catherine and Karolina, and Misha's ideal is IMHO somewhere in between those two pictures :)"

"1. Donnie Darko 2. Harry Potter (all of them!) 3. Requiem For a Dream 4. Fight Club 5. Chicago 6. Chocolat 7. Girl, Interrupted 8. Lord of The Rings (all 3!, choose one for me) 9. Titanic 10. Amelie"

"I would, but I don't know them :D And this is just a list of some artists I have in my playlist."

"I'm sorry for the spam here :D but this will be the last post, I promise... What's Eating John Gilbert The Addams Family (terrific!) The Outsiders And I'd swear Donnie Darko had a sister, too, but you"

"Oh and I also remembered... when Lindsay Lohan played those twins in The Parent Trap or the creepy twins from The Shining this movie is really lame, but... She's the Man! And you definitely have to ad"

"Haha thanks for adding :) You might also want to think about Anna and Harry from Freaky Friday: http://www.hotflick.net/flicks/2003_Freaky_Friday/003FRF_Lindsay_Lohan_035.jpg These four kids from Narn"

"Amazing, absolutely amazing. I'd vote twice if only I could! Also Skins, season 3&4 - Emily and Katie Fitch, played by Kathryn and Megan Prescott"

"You've got so many old movies that you couldn't fit there some of the great modern movies. What about Donnie Darko, The Butterfly Effect, Harry Potter, LOTR, Seven, The Bourne Ultimatum???"

"I saw first ten minutes of Arachnophobia and then couldn't sleep for a week. NEVER AGAIN!!! That movie is the scariest thing I've ever seen, no kidding!!! Vote for that one being number 1 in your list"

"Every time I see Johny Depp I am reminded of Heath Ledger and vice versa. Look at their jaw line!"

"Haha amazing! And you've got the Czech Republic too, I'm amazed! I'd vote twice if only I could ;)"

"..that awkward moment when you come to the end of this list and you absolutely love it and then you scroll back and find out you've already voted..."

"The Prescott twins that play Emily and Katie Fitch in Skins!"